What can you expect to find on a Sunday morning at Niagara Community Church?
You will find plenty of parking in our large parking lot. When you drive up the entrance driveway, you will see that there is a carport with an entrance into our main lobby to use to drop someone off at the door. Once you park in the parking lot, follow the sidewalk to the door under the overhang, turn left and you will be in our main lobby. There is coffee fellowship with coffee, tea, and refreshments, served every Sunday from 9:30-9:55. This is a great time of fellowship and getting to know others in our congregation.
Our Sunday Morning Worship Service begins at 10:00. Children stay with their parents at the beginning of the service, and then are dismissed after the singing to join with other children in Jr. Church. Nursery is also available for parents with small children.
Prayer is a vital part of our church and it is an important part of our Sunday mornings at NCC. From 9:15-9:30 a.m., we come together for a time of prayer, lifting up our praises to God, requests, and our Sunday service to the Lord. This time of prayer is open to all and it is a great way to begin our Sunday together.
There is even more. We offer a Bible Institute that meets at different times throughout the year. A Bible topic will be taught for about five weeks. This time of learning together is great for additional and deeper study in God’s Word. The Bible Institute is held following the morning service, usually around 11:30 a.m., and runs for 45-60 minutes.
9:15-9:30 a.m. – Sunday Morning Prayer
9:30-9:55 a.m. – Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship
10:00 a.m. – Sunday Morning Worship Service (Jr. Church is dismissed partway through the service)
We hope you will be able to join us on a Sunday morning. We look forward to meeting you.